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Congregational Churches observe the two sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. In this section we share some resources connected with Baptism. 


Patterns for Worship - This PDF collection includes an order of service for the Sacrament of Infant Baptism.


Adult Baptism: an order of service - It has always been the custom in Congregational Churches for adults who come to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and who have not been baptised as infants to be baptised. This is done in an act of worship which is much the same as the Sacrament of Baptism for Infants, stressing as it does the heart of the Christian Good News of salvation by grace through faith.


Do Congregationalists Believe in Infant Baptism? - An informative article by John Peterson on the Classroom Website. It addresses questions such as who Congregationalists are, the two types of Baptism, and Congregationalism and Baptism.


Use of ‘The Lion King’ in a Baptism service - This is an excellent resource sent to us by Mark Taylor from our Church in Newark, and quite skillfully uses the Disney film 'The Lion King' to think about the theme of baptism in a church service. Don't forget you must have proper licenses to show any film clips or play music in a church service.




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