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There are many​ organisation that exist to help individuals and churches with ideas for outreach to children & young people. Take a look at our ideas - and if you have others please let us know - Contact Page


Parenting for Faith - Equipping parents to raise God-connected children and teens | Helping kids and teens develop a lasting and vibrant two-way relationship with God.
Parenting for Faith has been influencing parents and churches across the UK and Europe since 2007. Through books, video resources and training, Parenting for Faith has continued to develop until being able to greatly expand in reach and ability by joining The Bible Reading Fellowship in 2016.
Take a look at their video, audio and written posts, The Parenting for Faith course, events and training, and much more.


Parenting for Faith: Halloweeen Resources - How do we do Halloween well? Hear lots of stories from families about how they parent for faith at Halloween as well as articles helping us think this season through. Some children may find this season scary, in which case you may find posts in our fear topic helpful.


Scripture Union - There's so much to Scripture Union that we can't beginning to list all their work and resources! For resources & activities, holidays & events take a look. You'll find Guardians of Ancora, the Light Compendium featuring Bubbles, Splash!, Xstream and theGRID Sunday School material, holiday club resources and other great ideas.


Messy Church - Messy Church... is a way of being church for families involving fun; is a church, not a craft club, that helps people encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour; is found across the world; values are about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration; and, is part of The Bible Reading Fellowship which believes, with the historic churches, in one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Find out more and discover their wonderful cache of resources.


Pilots - Does your church have children aged between 5 and 18? Do they want to make friends, play games, be creative, adventurous, crafty and active? Do they want to learn new things and explore the world? If so, Pilots could be a real blessing for your church!

Pilots is an ecumenical, non-uniformed organisation open to all children and young people. They believe that every child and young person matters. Consequently, Pilots aims to meet the needs of each community in which it functions, offering children and young people safe and caring environments to flourish in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ. Watch the promotional film ... and look out for one or two familiar faces!


Care for the Family | Playtime - Playtime provides support and advice for anyone interested in engaging with young families in a toddler group setting. they have resources, craft activities, advice on running toddlers groups, a newsletter, even an annual conference.


Barnabas Children's Ministry | Resources for running a holiday club - Barnabas Children's Ministry is one of the core ministries of BRF. As part of this ministry, they provide a growing range of resources for parents, teachers and others who work with children up to the age of 11.

Not only is there material for holiday clubs, there is also Sunday School material, ideas for All-Age worship and training.


Illustrated Children's Ministry - Illustrated resources for the church and the home, encouraging creativity and active engagement with faith. There is a charge for some of these items, but that simply reflects the professional quality of the materials. Illustrated resources include: colouring pages and posters, illustrated worship resources, illustrated curicullum for Sunday Schools, illustrated family resources.


It's just the Toddler group - Toddler Groups are one of the best ways your church can reach young families. Toddler groups are amongst the most exciting and significant starting places for mission for both adults and children.
It is estimated that between a third and a half of all children in this country, aged under 3, regularly attend a church run toddler group.
Toddler groups thrive because there are many people dedicated to providing a safe, caring and welcoming environment where parents, grandparents and other carers, along with their infants and toddlers can begin to experience the Christian faith. Find out more about the group behind the PDF download - 1277: National Network of Church-Based Toddler Groups


The Ideas Hub: Bringing the Bible to life for children and families - The Ideas Hub is a great free resource from the Bible Reading Fellowship full of ideas for Sunday and midweek groups and all-age services. They have plenty of resources for Advent & Christmas, Lent & Easter, and other festivals of the year.


RE:QUEST RE:START - School resources - This website has been developed by Youth for Christ, and is an outstanding resource to help not only those who teach and lead in Primary and Secondary Schools, but for many church applications too. Resources are found via the themes of Stories, Festivals, People, Symbols and Places, or can be searched for. Great variety of media for the resources too - take a look.


Big Justice Story Sack - A discipleship resource for younger children in church from Christian Aid. The sack contains 15 sessions that tell the ‘Big Story of the Bible’ and highlight the justice thread throughout, helping children to understand and root their faith in the biblical call to act justly, treat others well and celebrate the God-given dignity of all people.

Request your Story Sack from Christian Aid.


Faith Adventures for Children Together - Faith Adventures for Children Together is a free weekly resource from the United Reformed Church to support church children’s group leaders and volunteers as they plan and deliver Bible-based, child-centred, engaging sessions for ages 12 and under.
Session outlines provide ways to experience, explore and express faith together through Bible readings, stories, prayers, activities, and wondering together, with a postcard home to enable children and families to nurture their faith in daily life.





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